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How to Tackle Spring Cleaning with a New Baby

2 min read

How to Tackle Spring Cleaning with a New Baby

If you've recently welcomed a new baby, you know that your life has forever changed! When it comes to chores around the house, you may be tempted to put them on the back burner and spend all your time with the new baby. However, that's not exactly a practical approach because you, the baby, and the rest of the family need a clean, healthy, uncluttered living environment in order to thrive.

Entertain the Baby

Keep your baby away from the dust, the cleansers, and the potentially loud noises while you're doing your intense cleaning. One option is to line up a trusted babysitter so that you can focus on doing a thorough job. A sitter can also provide new stimulation to the child and allow you to finish the cleaning in less time. If hiring a sitter isn't an option, then you could set up an indoor baby swing. This option will keep the baby safely secured and stimulated while you clean. 

Be Smart About What You Need to Keep

Don’t blink or you'll miss something. Babies change and grow so quickly, often noticeably from day to day. Only keep in the baby’s room what he or she needs today. Give away, donate, sell, or store items that the baby has outgrown.Keeping practical things, such as blankets or bedding for the baby, could prove to be useful in the future. Swaddles and baby belly bands can be smart to keep for any future babies. Keep handy, but out of the baby’s room, items that the child is still growing into.

Rent Off-Site Storage

From cribs to playpens to changing tables to clothing, a baby can have a lot of baggage that's not useful after a few months. If you want to keep these items for your next baby or someone else’s as your baby grows, consider renting a small locker dedicated to keeping baby’s things safe, dry, and, importantly, out of your living space. Small lockers are often priced at very reasonable rates.

Consider Using Non-toxic Cleaners

For both everyday and deep, once-a-season cleanings, consider your baby and the environment.Get to know cleansers that aren't toxic or harmful to humans, pets, or the environment. Natural cleansers, like vinegar, lemon juice, and bicarbonate of soda, can often get the job done and leave your house smelling fresh. Plus, with natural cleansers, you don't have the issue of where to store them that's out of baby’s reach.

An uncluttered, clean, fresh home is a relaxed, tranquil atmosphere for both baby and parents. To take better care of your new loved one, make sure you have products that help with what they’re going through likea nice swaddling blanket, belly bands, and hats!

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