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How Parents Can Teach Their Kids to Be Confident in Themselves

2 min read

How Parents Can Teach Their Kids to Be Confident in Themselves

It’s your job to help teach your kids to function in a world where, as an adult, it feels you are barely learning to function yourself! Confidence rules, though, are the same for both children and adults. So how can you practice parenting a child to have confidence?

Let Them Make Mistakes

Children make messes and fall out of trees. A surprising amount of skinned knees and messed up hair is involved in parenting. Your young scientist is testing the laws of physics, chemistry, and biology! Your job is to protect them from harm but not necessarily from problems. Instead of being sorrowful or angry when your child fails,  describe what happened without blame. “You tasted sand? Was that yucky? Let me help you wipe it out.” If they recognize that their experiments don’t have anger attached, they don’t have to be angry atthemselves and can try again to succeed. Try it and see how it works!

Promote Hygiene

It’s ongoing work to promote healthy hygiene practices, but it will help your children gain confidence. You want your child to love their body, regardless of gender, body shape, race, or any other physical factor. Making sure they are comfortable with their medical doctors is important. Teach children that doctors are here to keep their bodies healthy. This includes having yearly checkups with a pediatrician and twice-yearly with a dentist. You should take your children to their first dentist appointment  when their teeth start coming in. This makes sure there is no enamel loss or early problem which can cause cavities.

Perseverance and Tenacity

You tried a new thing and you failed? Good job trying something new! Did you try new food? Great job! When you live in an atmosphere where bravery is  defined by not giving up on yourself, it changes your world. In the showThe Magic School Bus, Miss Frizzle says to “take chances, make mistakes, and get messy.” Knowing youwill make mistakes, andwillpersevere changes worlds!

When parenting, often you are re-parenting yourself. It’s hard to relearn to display the behavior you want in the world. Your children are not going to stay clean, or not fall and skin their knees, but they can get back up, and learn to brush off dirt. In the end, which skill is more useful in the long term? Teaching your kids to be confident in themselves will benefit them for years to come.

Read this next:How Parents Can Promote Healthy Habits Early On

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